Category Archives: LiteImgResizer

A small application that resizes images. I am the lead developer. Programmed in C#.

LiteImgResizer v0.0.1

LiteImgResizer with no document open.

LiteImgResizer v0.0.1 has been released into the wild (actually four months ago, but I never wrote a post about it).  It is the first release of my image resizing program that aims to be very light and quick.  It is open source, and is hosted on Sourceforge.

Since it is the first release, everything has changed, since I started with nothing.  The following things are planned for a future release:

  • Accept files via command-line arguments
  • Resize files without a GUI (related to above)
  • Add right-click support in GUI (related to above)
  • Improve PNG save filesize; perhaps use a different image library (ImageMagik)?
  • Add ability to view file with output quality and real size

Any feedback would be appreciated! Comment here or email me at BrianKStein [at]

LiteImgResizer can be downloaded at the Sourceforge project page.